Form1 Sample Tool Form1- Label1 WinCheck Sample VB Add On Tool Label2 Make a Checking Deposit for: Text1 Text1 Label3 Dollars Command1 Command2 &Close Command1_Click LinkMode LinkTopic AppTop LinkItem LinkType COLDZ Label1_Click0 Text1 caption Command2_Click: Command3_Click Text1_Changex Text2 Text21 Command4_Click Form_Click1 chkvb rmdde Register AppExecutable AppDescription AppStatusLine AppClassName% WinCheckTopic @ Form_Loadf RegisterAppWithWinCheck TopicLenw LenCommand Comman Command1 Label2_Click WCExec DDEError Request_Click MyDDEVerify NO_APP DDEErorr DDEError1 Command2_Click Form_Load These lines set up a topic for DDE Set up your stuff here This line is the executable name F:\CHKVB\SHELL.EXE This line is put in the Menu WinCheck Sample Tool This line is displayed in the status bar Run Sample Add On Tool This line MUST BE the Caption from the Windowi Sample Tool" These lines set up a topic for DDE Put your copyright message here* RegisterAppWithWinCheck This code will register your application with WinCheck WinCheck|" 2 = COLD [REGISTERADDON:" The application is not running Command1_Click This sample code makes the DDE command to do a deposit VERY IMPORTANT- Make sure text inside the edit box is valid.a We will use the VAL function to get a number, and then format it. Cheezy, but it works for a sample. [CDEPOSIT:t= WinCheck|" 2 = COLD The application is not running